Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sampreet's Assignment

Sampreet's Assignment was on Good and Bad Habits.

He had to answer some questions given by his class teacher like Do you brush your teeth everyday? He has to write "Yes I Do". Do you go late to bed " No, I don't".

To the question "Do you comb your hair everyday?"... when his mother told him to write "Yes I Do"... his answer was "Mummy I don't comb everyday, So my answer should be No". He wrote the same and had to listen to his classteacher as Bad Boy.

He promised his teacher that he will comb is hair everyday ;)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sampreet's School has CCTV Cameras

June 06, 2012

Sampreet says, "I cannot be naughty at school. Our classroom has cameras which monitors and records . Our teacher says, "Don't be michieveous the Camera will record everything".

Sampreet's class has latest teaching aids like projector and slides and even they insist of brining slates to school. Hope Sampreet learns through both traditional and advanced methods.

Finallly, Sampreet is alloted a permanent bench to sit. He shares his seat with a Girl.

His birthday is round the corner (June 17th). He is already demanding a remote car.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My Name is Sampreet and not Samprit

Date: June 05, 2012

Sampreet is a little annoyed today as his name is not pronunced properly by his class teacher. Even after repeated reminders by Sampreet to pronnounce correctly, his teacher is yet rectify her mistake :).

Monday, June 4, 2012

Sampreet at Lourdes Central School, Mangalore

Date: June 04, 2012

Sampreet graduated from Kindergarten (Nisarga Play School) on March 31, 2012.  He joined Lourdes Central School.

His first day at school was on June 01, 2012 (Friday).

From today (June 04, 2012) his timings at school is from 8:00 a.m to 2:10 p.m.

He has two breaks in the school - Snack break and Lunch break. Sampreet, took rice, french fries and chips to school. His chips were ransacked before he could taste one. He came home hungry and complained that his batchmates had eaten everything. When his mom (Sridevi) said that he will report the same to the class teacher the next day, he said "not required, they are just friends and he will manage it from the next day".