Monday, June 4, 2012

Sampreet at Lourdes Central School, Mangalore

Date: June 04, 2012

Sampreet graduated from Kindergarten (Nisarga Play School) on March 31, 2012.  He joined Lourdes Central School.

His first day at school was on June 01, 2012 (Friday).

From today (June 04, 2012) his timings at school is from 8:00 a.m to 2:10 p.m.

He has two breaks in the school - Snack break and Lunch break. Sampreet, took rice, french fries and chips to school. His chips were ransacked before he could taste one. He came home hungry and complained that his batchmates had eaten everything. When his mom (Sridevi) said that he will report the same to the class teacher the next day, he said "not required, they are just friends and he will manage it from the next day".

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